Saturday, June 23, 2007


What an evening! Yesterday at 4:45 a tornado hit the town I live in. Fortunately it was a small one and nobody was injured. It looks like it went to the north of me. The street I live on had the least amount of damage in the town so I am thankful for that. Just 2 blocks away trees are snapped in half and some homes sustained damage. The trees on my street are fine. I was looking out the window during the storm waiting to see some debris and during that time the trees across the street were bent to near a 90 degree angle. I thought they were going over. Strangely, about the only damage at my house was the popcorn in my garden. It was flattened. I tried to trellis it up today so we'll see what happens there. Here are some pictures of my garden as well as some of the storm damage in the park behind my house.

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