Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Tomatoes are taking off...

Here is how the tomatoes are looking just 8 days after the previous post. I am always amazed by how quickly plants grow. The weather conditions have changed a bit in the last week. The rain has stopped and it has turned HOT! The temperature has averaged 88 degrees (F) each day. Yesterday and today have both been well over 90 (f). The heat can really stress the plants if they are not ready for it. In addition to that, now is the time when the fruits can develop blossom end rot. The best way to help plants is to make sure they get plenty of water. 3 days ago I watered them heavily. I gave them 1.6 inches of water. I usually go with just the soaker hose to get the water to the roots. This time I went with a sprinkler since I wanted to water my other bed as well. The concern when using a sprinkler is that you leave water on the leaves and the high temperatures can cause fungus and diseases to grow. I watered in the morning and the leaves were dry in just an hour. No worries there.
These are some of the Big Rainbow. They are my favorites year in and year out due to the size and flavor. Right now they are just a bit bigger than a golf ball.

Here are a few Roma's. They should all ripen at about the same time. I'll turn them into sauce.

A close up of the Yellow Pear's. These are my wife's favorites. Open this up and look at the details.

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