Sunday, April 1, 2007

How To Start Tomato Seeds - part 4

Let's get down to it...

Here's what I am planting...

First thing - make your labels. It's much easier to do this now rather than after you plant the seeds. This way you can keep track of where you planted what. Trust me on this one...
Next, place the seeds in the trays. I put 3 in each pod just to help me track germination and viability. I have skipped the part about placing the seed starting mix into the seed trays. The picture below shows some details. It can be hard to see the seeds. One more reason to place the markers in as you go. This year one variety has pelletized seeds. These seeds are coated in clay. It makes the seeds easier to handle as they are quite small. Here's a close up. Try to find the Roma's...The Grape's are obvious.

Here is one tray completed.
Next, each tray gets a very thorough watering. I suppose I fill it half-way. Since the soil-less mixture has plenty of peat it soaks up an awful lot of water. Next, I cover the tray with a clear dome. This is just to help keep the moisture in. After the seedlings emerge I will remove it. Each tray get placed on the center shelf of my light rack. This rack has heating cables and foil to raise the temperature and increase the light intensity. Once the seedling emerge I will unplug the heating cables. Now, cross you fingers and hope for the best!


Anonymous said...

Matt, you look like you enjoy writing "How-to's" as much as I do!


Matt said...

It's a series that will take them from seed to to speak