Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Butterfly Garden Progress

This is the south side that will be the bulk of the garden. I spent the last week filling in with soil my neighbor gave me. I can't believe how nice this dirt is. Thirty feet long by seven feet wide. I planted some seeds yesterday. Coreopsis, coneflower, salvia, and a few others. I will be planting butterfly weed and other things in the spring.
This is the east side. In addition to the seeds on the south side, there are a lot of daisies and some nasturtiums.
Another view of the east side. These daisies were planted last week and are coming up now.
North side - this will be filled in with more shade tolerant plants. Hostas, ferns, coral bells and bleeding hearts to start with.


billvelek said...

OUTSTANDING blog and pictures, Matt. I know that you're a member of our 'Grow-Hops' Yahoo Group, but I can't find a photo album there with these great pictures; I just wanted to remind you that you can add them there, too, and also that you can add a link to your blog in one of our Links folders here --


Bill Velek --

Matt said...

Thanks Bill - I started a photo floder on the grow-hops group. I just keep forgetting to upload pictures. I'll put a link up soon.